Submitting to Foreclosure vs. Selling Your Home for Cash

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When you come into financial troubles, it can be difficult to keep up with the mortgage payments. Unfortunately, missing too many mortgage payments can lead to foreclosure on your home. Fortunately, there are other solutions, like selling your home for cash instead. This article might help you decide if selling your home for cash might be the better option.

Submitting to Foreclosure vs. Selling Your Home for Cash

  • Avoid the financial stress : When you are facing foreclosure, it’s usually not because you’re in good financial standing. The last thing you want to do is add even more stress to your finances with a foreclosure that can negatively impact your credit score and your ability to get future loans or jobs. They can even sometimes negatively affect your taxes because the leftover money from the foreclosure could count as taxable income to you. Selling your home for cash before the foreclosure can take place, however, can help you avoid all this financial stress and even potentially line your pockets with a little extra spending money to get you back on your feet.
  • Take control of the situation : Once the bank decides you have missed one too many mortgage payments, you have very little control over the situation. More or less, they give you a deadline to either give them the money you owe or get out. When you sell your house for cash, you have a bit more control. Sure, you might feel rushed to sell the house, but selling a house for cash can happen much faster than traditional real estate transactions, and you can have a bit more of a say on the timeline for moving out.

There are plenty of reasons why selling your home for cash might be the best solution to a foreclosure. If you’d like to learn more about selling your home for cash or more solutions for foreclosures, feel free to give us a call.